Monday, May 28, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007

It's now 10:30 pm and we've been working hard all day trying to get ready to go--there has been so much to do! We finished packing around 4:30 and have been cleaning and organizing ever since. I'm thrilled I won't be up until 2:00 am this time stuffing things into the suitcase, too tired to care anymore. We haven't heard a thing from Laura so it looks like we'll get a referral when we get back. Fortunately it's been a very busy day. I was a little curious each time the phone rang this evening, but I really didn't think it would happen before we left. All is well. It will happen when it's supposed to. I need to make sure I pack a family picture right now. . .I'll want to look at our sweet little kids while we're gone. I know it will be fun and very interesting, but knowing me, I'll probably be ready to come home after 2 weeks--a week before we're scheduled to return. I'm the one who pushed to do the 7-day Thailand and Singapore extension, so I have only myself to blame. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to have this kind of experience with my parents so it will be well worth it. I'll be glad we went for it!

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